Marathon Training Journal

Marathon Training Journal: Day 14

2 Weeks Down; 14 To Go

Two weeks into training and it's quickly become part of my daily routine. I love that every day is different.

In fact, I'm sure I secretly love having some workouts in the plan that aren't my favorite. It makes the ones I do enjoy even better. But don't quote me on that confession. I want to reserve the right to change my mind in the moment – most likely on interval days!

I know getting up for a run at 5 am on a Sunday morning sounds like a treat for the insane, but there are plenty of benefits to it and I look forward to my Sunday mornings. It's not just the freedom within the run, but the way the whole morning is less pressurized than on a weekday.

Some new running clothes didn't hurt my enthusiasm either.

Rejuvenated After a Lazy Day Off

Yesterday was a particularly self-indulgent day. The most energetic things I did included lunch and dessert with my family, a rum cocktail and sitting on the couch reading.

Marathon Training Journal


Late in the evening I slid off the couch onto my foam roller, clutching my chilled beer and mindlessly stared at the TV. I could't tell you what was on. It was just there.

This mindless unplugging is part of training for me.

There was every chance that this morning would be a bit sluggish. Drinking cocktails is a rare thing for me. They are delicious, but I'm not used to drinking spirits and I don't like feeling tipsy or hung over.

I didn't end up going to bed much before midnight. Don't ask what I was doing. Whatever it was, it involved no effort on my part whatsoever.

Be Prepared To Roll With It

Surprisingly, I felt really good when I got up this morning. If I hadn't, I would have just gone back to bed. It's not like it would have made a big difference and making myself run or finish a workout if sleep is what I need is counter productive.

If It Feels Good, Just Do It

I don't know what my pace was, because that doesn't matter on days like this. My distance was around six miles and felt comfortable and refreshed. I made some coffee and went and sat outside while everything was peaceful and quiet. Once the dogs wake up and go outside, that's not even an option. Lola the Labrador would inhale that coffee and run away with the cup and of our three dogs, she's the last one who needs a caffeine shot! It's also impossible to take a photo when the hounds are around!

Marathon Training Journal

I felt totally chilled out, enjoyed some coffee and watched the tiny wispy clouds changing color in the sunrise, took a Happy Photo and went to take a shower (and let the dogs out). Yes, I let the dogs out.  Me, me, me, me!

And then … I went back to bed and fell asleep for two hours.  Two hours!  Ouch!

Sunday is a pretty busy household chore day among other things. I do not want to add any stress that I just removed.  I did my best. Took a deep breath and some things will wait until tomorrow. But I was not giving up my evening run.  I needed it, because I wanted it.  And I am so glad I went. The weather was hellishly hot today and I felt like I was roasting on the asphalt, but I loved it.

I thought about when I was injured and would have given anything to be able to run; whatever the pace, distance or weather. That's something I don't want to forget.


I am still giving credit to the rum and cake from yesterday and ran like a pirate. Fueled by rum and banana nut cake.

I love Sundays.  I hope you had a good one, too!

Carefree Runner

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  • Arlen Zeiss April 21, 2022   Reply →

    Shut Up and Take My Money

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